Casio SMF Conveter 1.0
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Casio SMF Conveter 1.0

Free Loads SMF files and converts them for Casio Instruments
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 23 people
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As its name suggests, Casio SMF Converter will convert Standard MIDI files (SMF files) to the format supported by CASIO electronic musical instruments, namely the CM2 file format. This application is more than a simple file converter, as it can also transfer the converted data from the loaded MID audio files directly to the Casio instrument, using the MIDI connections of your computer.

You should note though that in order to be able to transfer the converted data, a MIDI connection between the instrument and your computer has to be previously established. I personally like the fact that it is a very simple tool. It doesn't even have a typical interface. Just double-click its icon and a file selection window will allow you to choose the MID files that you want to convert. Next, a simple window will let you choose what type of conversion you would like to perform: either to a CM2 file or directly to a MIDI-connected device. As you can see, it’s a very simple, minimalistic application, as there are no settings or additional options, not even basic ones.

This tool apparently hasn’t been created to impress or to surpass any competitors. It has been made with a clear, precise and unique purpose, namely, to convert SMF data to formats for CASIO instruments, and that’s it.

RS Senior editor
Rory Shaffer
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Very lightweight and resource-friendly
  • Very simple-to-use
  • Can both convert data to CM2 files or directly to the Casio instrument


  • Can load and convert only MID files
  • Some users may have to face compatibility issues, as some computer models may not support the usage of MIDI interfaces

Comments (2)

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rating JamesRoss
Works fine on my old toshiba C650 running Windows 7 Pro. The .cm2 files work in my LK210.

Oct 31, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Bruce
The peripherals are displayed for my casio wk 6500 but, an error message appears each time saying that the peripherals are not configured. How to do?

Aug 11, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply